Country Wise Area & Production of Rice (Paddy) in the World 2016
Sr. No. Countries Production (tons) Area (Hectare) %age Share
1 China 209503037 30199571 28.27
2 India 158756871 42964980 21.43
3 Indonesia 77297509 14275211 10.43
4 Bangladesh 52590000 11385953 7.10
5 Viet Nam 43437229 7783113 5.86
6 Myanmar 25672832 6723986 3.46
7 Thailand 25267523 8677627 3.41
8 Philippines 17627245 4556043 2.38
9 Brazil 10622189 1943938 1.43
10 Pakistan 10412155 2765559 1.41
11 USA 10167050 1253320 1.37
12 Cambodia 9827001 2866973 1.33
13 Japan 8044000 1479000 1.09
14 Egypt 6300000 672582 0.85
15 Nigeria 6070813 2995694 0.82
Total Top 15 Countries 671595454 140543550 90.64
Total Other 103 Countries  69365991 19264171 9.36
World Total 740961445 159807721 100.00
Source: FAO